Wednesday 7 May 2014

Over Half Way There! Can't Quite believe it! (excited!)

The Closer we get to the deadline the more determined I am to get this book finished! Out of the 88 cuts (first and second reductions) I have completed 54 cuts (I think!) Still a Hell of a lot to get on with and the deadline is looming. At times I question whether I will finish, but after yesterday's and last weeks successful days in the printroom, I still think I could do it. I am also thinking that maaaybe... I might of taken on a bit too much, I got really ill last week which is why these two print days are coming in one post . It meant I could not make it in to the studios to print or take photographs so I ended up doing a 9am to 9pm day yesterday. But it did give me time to slowly but surely make it through all the light red first colour prints which means I'm done with one colour! 

I have also come up with some practical uses of the gym gear I am not using at the moment (too busy working) and anytime I'm not working i want to see my friends! - My trainers for long days in the printroom - last week I wore my normal shoes and I can't tell you the difference in feat pain yesterday while wearing my trainers! - And my Weights gloves for when I'm lino cutting as my right hand is getting rather saw but this gives my hand a nice bit of padding so I can cut away!

Anyway, not am I only determined to get my book finished but I am also just getting seriously excited for the finish! And setting up our show and see everyones hard work pay off! This is really giving me the energy to keep going and know that it'll be worth it in the end.

So here are the images I completed last week. This means I have 19 complete pages in total.

2nd Reduction Cut
2nd colour print

Page 4 - Finished Image

2nd reduction ut
2nd colour print
page 6 - finished image
2nd reduction wood cut
2nd colour print

page 9 - finished print
2nd reduction cut
2nd colour print

page 11 - finished prints - Was concerned about this one as I've never attempted a whole figure but it has become one of my favourites, especially on the black paper.
2nd reduction cut - 3rd double page
2nd colour print
pages 19 and 20 - finished print - Really happy I chose to do the two seperate first colours
2nd reduction cut
2nd colour print 

page 22 - finished paper, I dont think I'll use brown paper for the text.
2nd reduction wood cut
2nd colour print

page 23 - finished print - really like the three tones in the background with wood prints
2nd reduction wood cut
2nd colour print

page 26 - finished print, I know this is three crow bars but when I asked a couple of people, they didn't know so, this is my weakest image so far I think.

I feel so far, the images have been going smoothly, I haven't had any text errors and havent slipped up on any of the images. However, during cutting the next batch of first colour prints, I had to restart the back page, and super glue two quite big mistakes. After printing the next batch of first colour prints, I noticed even more mistakes, luckily they are all in the pages of text which I've said aren't the vital pieces so I've kept them simple and don't mind too much for the odd backwards/missed letter. (can always edit it on the digital version) But it has become clear I am tiring and making silly mistakes so I am going to be extra careful for the last few cuts, and second reductions. I always find the second cuts easier anyway!

I have also run out of wood so I'm using the backs of other image cuts. Here are all the light red (purple) prints.

This will have dark blue as the second
colour. It is an opening door to '10 Rillington
wood cut

This will have dark blue as second colour
Introduction to John Christie.
lino cut
wood cut
This will have red as the second colour.
The start of Beryl's murder.

wood cut - first a2 wood cut ever done!
This will have red as the second colour. Really happy with how this turned out as the police hat badge and bottle label detail were quite intricate, especially as it's a wood cut. But thanks to my flatmate/course mate Mist, suggesting I use a scalpel for the smaller text, it was possible!

wood cut

This will have dark blue as the second colour.
I've tried this in two positions in the page to see
which one I prefer once cut to size.

This will have part of it off the page so the text is the bit which is visible on the page

lino cut
This will have red as the second colour.
This is Christies murder weapon. Timothy's relatives
confront him about Beryls whereabouts. None of
them know what actually happened.


lino cut
This will have dark blue as second colour.
Timothy's false confession, he doesn't help himself
by lying etc! First small error - 'outsde'

2nd a2 wood cut

This will have red as second colour. The discovery of the bodies.
lino cut
This will have red as second colour. Timothy arrested
for murders of wife and child.

wood cut
Builders are forced to change their statements.
These statements could've saved Timothy's life.

lino cut
This will have dark blue as the second colour.
The judges bias last sentence. Second error-
Backwards 'E' along a line of 4 e's. JUST SILLY!

lino cut - back page!
This will have dark blue as the second colour
as it's the back page and will fit with front page.
third mistake, a missed 'l' in 'finally' but snuck a cheeky
one in there and I actually quite like it. I had already restarted
this once as it is the back page and it will be read the most.

The next step is to finish the rest of the first reduction cuts then get all the red 2nd cuts done and printed then all the dark blue second cuts done and printed. I have also left enough space to the left of each image to have a flap which attaches to the page next to it. I have prepared two documents for the laser cutter to produce double and single pages with flaps which will be dash scored for a nice fold. the images will then be stuck to these pages and eventually attached together. With hard front and back covers. If I have time, I would like to make a digitally printed a5 version for selling/people to touch and look at. But this may not be done in time for the evaluation but I will definitely get it done by the degree show.

Time to get going!

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