Wednesday 2 April 2014

Finishing off the End of my Book - Initial Sketches

Before I go any further with creating the final images, I wanted to ensure I know the length of my book, and how it is going to end so I finished reading the book ' 10 Rillington Place' and watched the film '10 Rillington Place' several more times and wrote all the important points to illustrate and created some initial sketches.

Here are the remaining initial sketches:

This is just after Christie has managed to persuade Timothy to leave London. Timothy arrives at his Aunt and Uncles in Wales and stays there for a few days until they become suspicious of Beryl and Geraldine's whereabouts. They confront Timothy but he storms out.
Timothy eventually makes it to the Police station where he makes up a story about a man at a cafe giving him abortion pills which subsequently killed Beryl. He then disposed of her body down a drain outside the house. He did this to try and cover Christie.

The policemen try to open the drain cover, however it takes three of them with crow bars to open it up and once they do, it's empty. The police tell Timothy they don't believe him and so Timothy tells them the truth about Christie and the baby being in East Acton.

The police visit Christie and search the property. They miss bones and a skull which have been dug up by a dog in the garden - 2 of Christies previous victims. They do, however, find the bodies of Beryl and Geraldine in the wash house.

Timothy is brought to London station where he is charged with the murder of Beryl and Geraldine. The clothes and blankets they were found in were laid out in front of him as his arrest was made. It was the first time he knew that Geraldine had also died so he crumbles and confesses to the murders as he has nothing left.

Builders who were at the house while Timothy supposedly moved the bodies to the wash house stated that nothing was in the wash house when they left. This would've proven that Christie was the one who moved the bodies and would've taken the spotlight away from Timothy. However, the inspector on the case, persuaded the builders to change their statement to fit in with Timothy's confession.

Christie was one of the main witnesses at Timothy's trial. Timothy still believed Christie would help him. But of course Christie did everything in his power to ensure Timothy was found guilty. Christie explained that he had fibrosis in his back at the time of the Murder so it would've been impossible for him to do it, even though, Christie had actually contracted the fibrosis from carrying Beryls body. Christies past was also brought up - his time in the war (where he got gassed - LIES!) and police force painted him as rather an amazing gentlemen. So when the defense tried to bring up convictions of stealing and bodily harm 17 years, the jury didn't receive it well and saw him as a changed man.

The Judges finishing sentence was incredibly prejudice towards Timothy and if the Jury had, had any doubts, those doubts were officially squashed. Timothy was found Guilty within 40 minutes of discussing. The last two pages will be Timothy's feet dangling from the top of the page with some information on his failed appeals etc.

The end page will be a page of text explaining what happened after Timothy's death alongside his gravestone engraving.
In total this book will be 42 pages - 44 including front and end page. This is now ready to show my tutors and explain my plan during our formative (half way) assessment.

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